Sunday, November 2, 2014

7th and 8th Grade Parents: Why Retest?

A lot of parents and students ask the question "Why do we retest?"

I will start by saying, I have been on the fence with this issue but to me it all comes down to helping the students learn. In this post, I listed the reasons I believe in retesting students.

Reasons for Re-Testing

1. Some students need more time to process information. A retest allows students more time to process. It also allows students to gain further instruction on concepts they may be struggling with.

2. It allows students to learn from their mistakes. As students determine their misconceptions on test "A", synapses are firing causing information to be stored into memory.

Great Video on Growth Mindset (I am working on creating a growth mindset classroom.)

3. It allows students a second chance to prove to themselves that they can grow in their ability. It allows for teachers a chance to celebrate the student's successes, no matter how small.


My main goal is to inspire students to get back up again when they have fallen down. 

Have a Wonderful Week,
Mrs. Gilliam

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